Transformational Healing through Art and Storytelling: Culturally Responsive Healing in BIPOC Communities
Session Type
Exchange Session

Submitted by: The Storytellers Project | Presented in English with Spanish interpretation

Explore how art and storytelling can provide BIPOC communities with culturally responsive opportunities for healing through non-clinical workshops and programs. Discover how an intergenerational approach can support families as they heal from generational cycles of family violence, trauma, substance misuse and incarceration.


  •  Aubrey Valencia, Executive Director, The Storytellers Project
  •  Devon Starks, Youth Program Manager, The Storytellers Project


  • Learn how to use a healing/restorative circle model to build rapport and relationships with participants in workshops or programs.
  • Learn how to tell a compelling story that builds empathy and compels the listener to move from compassion to action.
  • Practice biofeedback while making a community art piece, using art making as a tool of mindfulness and community building.
Date & Time
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
Quandary Peak 2