Strengthening Communities through Local News: Building Inclusive Narratives

Local news plays a vital role in democracy by keeping communities well-informed and actively engaged. However, mainstream media often fails to share news that encompasses perspectives of communities of color, diverse groups, rural areas, and historically undervalued communities. There's an opportunity to reshape local news to build more inclusive narratives by better serving and fully covering the communities it represents.

During this discussion, we’ll explore how the media and the nonprofit sector can contribute significantly to this effort by promoting participation, improving access, raising social awareness and activating Coloradans. Strengthening communities through strong local news initiatives not only upholds democracy but also rebuilds trust and engagement among all community members. By focusing on inclusive coverage and ensuring that all voices are heard, we can create a media landscape that truly reflects and serves the diverse fabric of our state.


  • Taryn Fort, Senior Director of Communications and Influence, The Colorado Health Foundation


  • Melissa Davis, The Gates Foundation, The Colorado Media Project 
  • Brittany Winkfield, Denver Urban Spectrum
  • Tami Graham, Executive Director, KSUT Public Radio
  • Kim Salvaggio, Chief DEI Officer, Rocky Mountain Public Media 
Date & Time
Thursday, July 25, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Location Name
Colorado Ballroom