Reclaiming Denver’s Forgotten Chinatown
Session Type
Exchange Session

Submitted by: Colorado Asian Pacific United | Presented in English with Spanish interpretation

In the late 1800s, Denver was home to a vibrant and thriving Chinatown within downtown Denver. Several factors led to the driving out of the Chinese community in Colorado, including Denver's Anti-Chinese Race Riot of 1880, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and a general hatred for those who were different. Today, Denver's Chinatown has little to no physical existence, however, indicators of its history now stand as a testament to community grassroots efforts Learn about the efforts that led to raising the profile of this forgotten history, including the installation of historical markers, murals, a documentary and an official apology from the City of Denver.


  •  Joie Ha, Executive Director, Colorado Asian Pacific United
  •  Catharine McCord, Marketing and Operations Coordinator, Colorado Asian Pacific United


  • Share the history of Denver's forgotten Chinatown.
  • Honor lived experiences through community-led initiatives.
  • Offer ways to elevate little-known narratives in the public eye.
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
Quandary Peak 1